The Peace that Surpasses All Understanding | Minnesota Special Needs Photographer | AMG Photography
The Bronson Family
A Story of Strength and Hope
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” I John 1:3
Boaz and his brothers
This story is a part of my Images of Strength and Hope Program. As a part of this program, I am blessed to spend time recording the stories of families and individuals who are facing some of life’s greatest challenges or trauma. These stories are preserved through the art of photography in addition to the written word. These stories serve two purposes: to preserve the beauty of people’s lives even in the midst of trials or healing and to present them with a book of images that they can take along on their life’s journey as a reminder of their strength and resilience. The result is that they, and others, can receive hope.
The Bronson Family is an inspirational family for many reasons. Raising five vivacious boys under the age of 10 in Chad while being missionaries is one of them! While some would consider the challenges related to living in a distant country while raising young boys as the main reason to admire this family, it is something much more than that. The Bronson family is a family that has learned to live in complete surrender to, and trust in, the unfathomable grace of God. The birth of their sixth little boy is where this story of strength and hope begins.
After returning to the United States for a temporary stay to visit churches and family and to await the birth of their sixth baby boy, the Bronson family’s lives completely changed. On December 11, 2018, Boaz was born a big boy at 9 lbs. 3 oz. and was healthy by all appearances. During his two-week doctor appointment, it appeared he was not gaining weight. At four weeks, he still did not have healthy weight gain and his eyes began to yellow. He was admitted to the hospital in Fargo, ND on January 8th and an ultrasound detected the possibility he had biliary atresia - a condition in which the bile ducts from the liver are blocked and can't deliver bile to the small intestine. In order to do further tests and provide needed care, he was immediately transferred to University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. After confirming biliary atresia, surgery was scheduled for Monday, January 14th. Holding each other up in faith, Danny and Mandy shared this prayer with family and friends:
“We thank God for his provision of medical care as well as family and friends who have helped with our other kids. We pray that God would continue to guide the doctors who are working with him and that he would heal Boaz. How great to know that Boaz is God's child!”
Surrender. They surrendered all to the Lord, knowing that He loved them and little Boaz so much! There was nothing they could do to fix this situation, but they believed in an incredible God who could do miracles. It was determined that Boaz would need a new liver. So they waited with their arms open in surrender to Him who can do more than we could ever ask or imagine.
Little baby Boaz with his parents almost a week before his surgery.
“Boaz was officially listed for transplant at the end of May. He is so little. I am both terrified and relieved. He is only about 15 lbs and his weight is still difficult to assess as the fluid changes in his body. But due to his continuing complications and progression of his liver disease, both his hepatologist and transplant surgeon said it was the right time to list him. But, I'm also grateful he has this chance. Babies in Chad would never have this chance to have a new organ. Many don't have the opportunity to have a prosthetic limb or to have their broken leg fixed correctly. A mama in Chad who has a child with biliary atresia would wonder why their baby was not gaining weight and watch as they slowly decline and pass away within the first two years of their life. We have no idea how long he will have to wait for a new whole liver or a portion of a liver or how long his failing liver will continue to function.”
- Mandy, Boaz's mom
Boaz with his amazing family.
He is constantly surrounded by brothers who love him.
Fun, cuddles, and the bond of brothers.
Boaz on surgery day.
On June 18th, the Bronson family receives the news that Boaz will be able to receive a liver transplant. This was both a time of joy and sorrow. Joy in knowing this gift of life was available, and sorrowful in knowing that the donor was another precious child that had lost their life. This journey was constant in prayer every step of the way.
The expected 8 hour surgery took only 4 hours and went extremely well. Another answered prayer in this continual journey.
After his surgery, Boaz would experience many complications, specifically, with his breathing. He faced a bacterial infection in his lungs and damage to his trachea. He would struggle for several weeks.
Through it all, his family remained trusting, but sometimes it was difficult.
“There are times I feel very confident in his medical team and trust their process and decision making. But, there are other times I go crazy mama brain and feel very panicked inside. I want to get everything done that needs to get done and feel like that might help somehow. But, whom should I trust with the care of Boaz? The ONE who loves him more than we do. Pray that we can continue to trust HIM with Boaz. Pray for the healing of Bo.” - Mandy Bronson
Through everything that has been happening with Boaz, what about his 5 brothers? They bonded together. They remained boys! They played, they were resilient, they were patient, even though it was sometimes hard with mom or dad at the hospital, and the uncertainty of what was happening. Through it all they experienced moments of love, moments of blessings, and grew in their bond together. Each is unique. Each is special. Each an amazing part of this family.
After two months in the hospital, Boaz was finally able to go home. Despite his feeding tube, constant medications and a CPAP, he exhibited such a peaceful spirit and joy.
He eyes are full of light, his smile is contagious, and he is a calm and beautifully happy baby boy. His brothers surround him with the same energy and joy, despite having to be extra cautious about washing their hands and germs and his constant need for medical attention.
The Bronson family is still on a difficult journey. They have had to say goodbye to their life in Chad - a home they have always known, people they have loved, a life that they cherished to enter on a new journey one that is not fully clear. But their certainty lies in one thing, God is in control and will lead the way. All that they can do is surrender into his unfailing arms and rest under his wings.
Do you know what the name Boaz means? It means STRENGTH. This little boy is truly a testament to his name.
The name Boaz means Strength
Boaz with his brothers this past Fall.